Could you make good use of a FREE education and a new career? No debt. No loans. Sign up below for a CareerUp info session online, or scroll down for in-person dates hosted out in the community. We’ll introduce you to the Career Expressway by Capital IDEA. We not only pay your college tuition, textbooks, and childcare, we also help you find your first job in your new career. We work with two highly respected and accredited colleges: Austin Community College and Temple Junior College. Plus, we have employer partners all across Central Texas ready to hire you as soon as you graduate. We’re with you from start to — HIRED!
If you’d like to hear our presentation in person and meet our staff, scroll down and pick a date. New dates and locations are added as they are confirmed.
Why is this program FREE?
We’re a nonprofit with a mission to get our Central Texas neighbors into great careers. Each year, Capital IDEA raises enough money to pay for tuition and textbooks for over 800 adults, like you! If you’re eligible for our program, you can earn your college degree with no debt and no loans because your tuition and textbooks are already paid for by the generous support of funders like: City of Austin, Travis County, Hays County, and St. David’s Foundation. Get started with your FREE education — sign up now!